July 1, 2021

PRESS RELEASE NaviRisk becomes a good partner of PCMP

NaviRisk has joined the Polish Centre for International Aid (PCPM) Foundation’s special program for small and medium enterprises. The company will support a school feeding program for children in Ethiopia.

– As a global consulting company, we often work for clients in countries affected by various types of crises. We know that one of the key elements that could prevent at least part of these crises is education. That is why we want to support PCPM – Polish Centre for International Aid activities in a school in Ethiopia – says Bartosz Pastuszka, CEO NaviRisk .
NaviRisk has started cooperation with Polish Centre for International Aid within the framework of the “Good Partner” (“Dobry Partner”) program. We donated the support for children attending Selam Chora school in Ethiopia. Most of the students of Selam Chora Primary School get their only meal at the school.

– By engaging in the feeding program, we create conditions for students to learn and develop – emphasize representatives of PCPM .

The Polish Center For International Aid (PCPM) is the largest polish secular non-governmental organization, in terms of its annual cash flow and number of field-based missions, providing foreign humanitarian and development assistance. PCPM was established in 2006. So far it has implemented projects in Lebanon, Ukraine, Nepal, Peru, South Sudan, Uganda, Tajikistan, Palestine, Georgia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zambia, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

More about the NaviRisk and the Good Partner program you can find here: https://pcpm.org.pl/wesprzyj-pcpm/wspolpraca-z-firmami/dobrypartner/navirisk-dobrym-partnerem-pcpm and here in ENG: https://pcpm.org.pl/en



Magdalena Sojka-Kobrzyńska, PR Director NaviRisk



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